Outbounding out of compartments

Outbounding out of compartments


Outbounding is the process to fill orders with your available stock. The host ERP system can make such orders available to the host connector which will create the outbound orders. An operator can select those orders and places the articles needed for that order in an order carrier that will be transported to a expedition location. The operator can select the outbound icon from the menu.

Outbound method

After you chose you want to outbound by pressing the oubound icon in the main menu you have te option to select the method of outbound.

outbound method






Picking from a carrier



Outbound order selection

A selection dialog is given with available inspect orders:






Internal stockcontrol order number


Shows that the order is ready to be executed


Erp system reference order number


Order type, in this case outbound

(0/2+ carriers)


5 line(s)

Number or orderlines

75 items

Total number of items to be outbounded

0 done

Number of articles already processed

Outbound dialog

The selected outbound orderline is shown in the title of the dialog. Currently it is outbounding the first orderline of that order.

The main title bar has the following buttons:

This button wil send you to the next available orderline

Opening the troubleshoot window to report a pick error

In the top row you will see the article number and the EAN of the article that needs to be outbounded. The description of that article you will find on the row below those labels.

In the next section you can see the Action dialog that says it is a ‘PICK' action on location ‘A1A1’ from compartment 'A’. You see the amount that the orderline expects you to put in the order carrier. If you want you can add or remove items. Pressing the play button wil close this orderline.

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