Method | GET |
Description | Receives information of a tag. WIll only work if cabinet is in mode
For the standardised PTL cabinet, controller 1 is the front, controller 2 is the back. Tag IDs are numbered from 11 upwards (left-to-right, bottom-to-top). |
Response | { "value": «lastdisplayedvalue», "state": «state» } |
Possible Error | HTTP404 with no body when controller does not exist |
Method | PUT |
Description | Sets value and color on a tag. WIll only work if cabinet in de in mode
For the standardised PTL cabinet, controller 1 is the front, controller 2 is the back. Tag IDs are numbered from 11 upwards (left-to-right, bottom-to-top). |
Request | { "value": «valuetodisplay», ["color": "red|green|orange|blue|pink|cyan"] }
Response | HTTP204 when successful |
Possible Errors | HTTP400 when request was invalid { "message": «human readable error» } HTTP404 with no body when controller does not exist HTTP409 when cabinet not in correct mode |
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