Method | GET |
Description | Gets a list of currently defined IP addresses |
Response | { "ipaddress": [«list of ip addresses»] } |
Method | GET |
Description | Receives information on the current network setup. |
Response | { "type": "wifi|ethernet", "connection": "static|dhcp", "static": { "ipaddress": «ipaddress», "netmask": «netmask», "gateway": «gateway» }, "wifi": { "ssid": «ssid», "key": «pre shared key» } } |
Method | PUT |
Description | Sets network settings, will reboot afterwards. |
Request | { "type": "wifi|ethernet", "connection": "static|dhcp", "static": { "ipaddress": «ipaddress», "netmask": «netmask», "gateway": «gateway» }, "wifi": { "ssid": «ssid», "key": «pre shared key» } } |
Response | HTTP204 when successful, followed by a reboot |
Possible Errors | HTTP400 when request was invalid { "message": «human readable error» } |
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