URL | http://<<ip address>>/rest/controller/«controllerno»/tag/
Method | GET |
Description | Receives information of a tag. |
This low-level call, no check is done on existence of the tag.controllerno
and tagno
are numbers.number, tagid is an PTL ident (in the case of ATOP, this is also a number). Info |
For the standardised PTL cabinet, controller 1 is the front, controller 2 is the back. Tag IDs are numbered from 11 upwards (left-to-right, bottom-to-top). |
Response | Code Block |
| {
"value": «lastdisplayedvalue»,
"state": «state»
} |
Possible Error | HTTP404 with no body when controller does not exist |
Status | |
Note when the cabinet sides setting is set to frontonly , controller 2 will not be available and this will result in an HTTP404. |
URL | http://<<ip address>>/rest/controller/«controllerno»/tag/
Method | PUT |
Description | Sets value and color on a tag. |
This is a low-level call, no check is done on existence of the tag, only on the controller.controllerno
and tagno
are numbers.
controllerno is a number, tagid is an PTL ident (in the case of ATOP, this is also a number).
Info |
For the standardised PTL cabinet, controller 1 is the front, controller 2 is the back. Tag IDs are numbered from 11 upwards (left-to-right, bottom-to-top). |
Request | Code Block |
| {
"value": «valuetodisplay»,
["color": "red|green|orange|blue|pink|cyan|none"],
["blinking": "on|off|blink2sec|blink1sec|blink05sec|blink025sec"]
} |
value should be a string, if value is null , the tag is switched off.
color is optional. When no color is chosen, it defaults to red .
blinking should be a string, it defaults to on (i.e. no blinking). off causes the LED to switch off (identical to "color": "none" )
Response | HTTP204 when successful |
Possible Errors | HTTP400 when request was invalid Code Block |
"message": «human readable error»
} |
HTTP404 with no body when controller does not exist Note when the cabinet sides setting is set to frontonly , controller 2 will not be available and this will result in an HTTP404. |
Remarks | v2.2: |
URL | http://<<ip address>>/rest/controller/«controllerno»/tag/
Method | PUT |
Description | Sets value and color on a range of tags. controllerno is a number
Info |
For the standardised PTL cabinet, controller 1 is the front, controller 2 is the back. Tag IDs are numbered from 11 upwards (left-to-right, bottom-to-top). |
Request | Code Block |
| [
"tagid": «tagid»,
"value": «valuetodisplay»,
["color": "red|green|orange|blue|pink|cyan|none"],
["blinking": "on|off|blink2sec|blink1sec|blink05sec|blink025sec"]
] |
tagid should be a string.
value should be a string, when set to null the tag is switched off (v2.1.2+).
color is optional. When no color is chosen, it defaults to red .
blinking should be a string, it defaults to on (i.e. no blinking). off causes the LED to switch off (identical to "color": "none" )
Response | HTTP204 when successful |
Possible Errors | HTTP400 when request was invalid Code Block |
"message": «human readable error»
} |
HTTP404 with no body when controller does not exist |
Status | Status |
colour | Yellow |
title | pendingHTTP409 when cabinet not in correct mode Note when the cabinet sides setting is set to frontonly , controller 2 will not be available and this will result in an HTTP404. |
Remarks | v2.2: v2.1.2: Tags are no longer switched off before setting the tag range. (You can handle the switching off of tags by yourself, using the cabinet/lightest call. When used with off , this switches off all lights).
v2.1.1: v2.1: |